Tuesday, October 6, 2009

School Bells

First of all, thanks for reading my blog guys...good to know I'm not just keeping a private journal :)  

Today will be the third day of classes, and so far so good.  The biggest issue so far has been actually finding the class rooms; whereas the city is somewhat navigable thanks to the tube and proper signage, these pieced-together buildings either sculpted into the complicated street pattern centuries ago or else wedged back in after the war bombings are a different story.  Usually I have some confidence in my way-finding abilities, but the other day I walked around for 40 minutes trying to find a "toilet" in one campus building.  I followed the few signs that there were, all which just led me in circles.  Toilets are just hard to find in general here; the other day while downtown, I eventually did find one, only they wanted to charge me 20 pence for using it.  At this point, I have decided to stop drinking water until I am safely in my room, proximate to my own private lieu.

My developmental psychology professor is great fun.  Turns out she is almost completely deaf, and can't really tell when we're talking, even though she promises us she has eyes in the back of her head and will randomly call people out for talking, most of the time if they are just turning away to sneeze or get something from their bag.  She runs around like Oprah if anyone has a question to read their lips.  I'm excited for that class, though.

Yesterday was the introduction to my Art in London class, which is just for study abroad students and will take us around to the different art museums.  The required text was 35 pounds in terms of both money and weight.  It should also be fun.

The rain has finally come.  It was quite fitting for yesterday, which was my first bad day.  On top of the rain, crowded tube, rude receptionist in student services, and not being able to mind my class or the bathroom, I finally did have a meeting with someone to figure out how to extend my visa to be able to work here.  Bad news and long story short:  I can't, which means I have to leave before Christmas and that I wasted lots of money and time and peace of mind applying for it.  Luckily, I am an optimistic person and refuse to let bad moods last longer than 3 hours.  So, on the bright side, I will be home to see everyone I love for Christmas!  

For now, time to shower and get ready for "Trends in Contemporary Society."

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