Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Notting Hill" in Notthing Hill

Sorry it's been a while since the last will be happy to know that I finally have homework. Yesterday my Art in London class met at the National Gallery, where our teacher took us through the highs and lows of Renaissance art, after which I had to "journal" about (aka: short essay). It was my first museum trip, though, and I was quite excited about it. I mean, I was three feet away from a 6' X 8' da Vinci "rough sketch" done in the 15th century!

Today I experienced a bout of culture shock. I will never again complain about organization problems within US universities or even American politics, for that matter. After waiting for the fifth lecturer in a row to try to figure out to how operate power point and collect attendance, the material itself - "Trends in Contemporary (UK) Society" - was disheartening to say the least. I have a tendency to stay out of political affairs, but from what I do know, I can say that I think things in the UK are even more ulcer-inducing.

After three hours of class, it took me another one and a half to get "home," b/c King's Cross tube station was suddenly closed and I got lost trying to take the detour. But, never fear: I realized my culture shock for what it was, got a chocolate bar, enjoyed my lost predicament, and finally made it back to my dorm. I even got to see a sign by a park gate that said "No unaccompanied adults. Must be with a child or dog." Love it.

Tonight, however, was absolutely delightful. Anja invited me to the Norwegian House in Notting Hill to watch "Notting Hill," one of my all-time favourite movies. After a bit of piano playing and Norwegian lessons, I joined the 20-some Norwegians living in there for some delicious hot cocoa and Norwegian sweet rolls as we dreamed of being in Julia Roberts' shoes.

In other news: tomorrow night we are going to the Novello Theatre to see "An Inspector Calls," the other day I gave some lost tourists directions, I booked tickets to Italy, and I've learned that tube etiquette allows for snogging after 10 pm.

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