Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Camden Market

Today was mostly orientation stuff, preparing me for being able to pay attention to someone talking at me for an hour once classes start. It was a bit drowsy, but in between sessions a bunch of us went to Camden Market to stroll around and get lunch. It was a truly new experience, w/ tiny little shops everywhere, the smell of incense and food stands wafting all about, and people from all over the world flocking to this well-known tourist destination.

I strolled through the market place w/ one of my new friends - a lovely girl from Norway. We chatted (roughly through our language barrier) about differences between here and where we come from as we enjoy some savory ice cream cones and scoped out the prices on outrageous costumes in the multitude of costume shops. I was very confused: are £50 hooker/goth tutu dresses always in this high demand, or is it just because Halloween is coming?

I cooked pasta for my roommate tonight - 10 minutes after trying to get the stove to work - since we both decided it would be a good night to say in and relax a bit. Still haven't had any fish and chips, but I'll let you know how it is when I do!

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